Non-Complex Concept/Choice Board

To reduce complexity on a concept/choice board, I used corrugated black plastic to create the board.  I used black Velcro so the Velcro would not become another item in the array. (It disappears against the black plastic).


I wanted to be able to notice any visual behaviors so created a window. I was concerned that my eyes and face would become another item in the array. Using black screen like the kind used in window screens, I covered the peek hole. Now this board can be held up at the child’s best distance and at her eye level. I can watch exactly where she is looking and at what she is looking no matter how quickly she looks. I can reach around the board and create movement to draw her visual attention to the described item.

Version 2

This is really helping the team understand whether this child understands the visual information, the concept being discussed and or the choices being made. I can present 1, 2, 3 or 4 icons on this board depending on the child’s assessed presentation needs.

One comment

  1. This is a great idea! I’ve been using large black choice boards but it is hard to see that eye gaze location. Thanks Ellen:)


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