Making Talking Powerpoint

Check out this Youtube Video.  It really walks you through making Powerpoint Talking Books for your child:

Make sure you match what you create to the characteristics as they affect your child:

  1. Pick items of favorite colors (Color Characteristic).
  2. Create movement if your child benefits from that (Movement Characteristic).
  3. Backlighting helps kid locate and sustain gaze (Light Characteristic).
  4. Make sure pages are able to be examined for as long as your child needs (Latency Characteristic).
  5. Place the “book” in the best visual field (Visual Field Characteristic).
  6. Make the images non-complex (Visual Complexity Characteristic).
  7. Make the auditory input quieter and allow the image to be viewed without the sound (Auditory Complexity Characteristic).
  8. Place the book at near (Distance Characteristic).
  9. Pick items your child has great experiences with in the real world. I like photographs of their own toys (Visual Novelty Characteristic).
  10. Highlight or enlarge the area to be touched to turn the page (Visual Motor Characteristic)


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