Month: June 2022

Bauer Lab: CVI Research

Research in CVI will help understand CVI, help with diagnosis of CVI and help us understand how to create access. Please consider helping!

The Bauer Lab
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Harvard Medical School

Help answer important questions like:
-How does brain injury during early childhood impact long-term brain development?
-What is the link between early brain injury and Cerebral Visual Impairments (CVIs)?
-How do CVIs impact activity, participation, and quality of life?

Aged between 10 – 30 years old and have:
1) Evidence of an early developmental
brain injury, stroke, trauma, or preterm
birth (i.e. prior to 37 weeks gestation)
2) Visual acuity better than 20/100
3) A diagnosis or suspicion of cerebral (cortical) visual impairment (CVI)
We are also seeking volunteers with no history of brain injury or visual impairment to serve as controls.
Degree of participation depends on level of comfort of the individual, and may include:

  1. MRI scanning sessions (training and
  2. Computerized tests of visual perception
  3. Questionnaires
  4. Participation in all phases of the study is not mandatory, and total compensation is
    dependent upon degree of participation.

Contact information

For more information, please contact us at
(617) 573-3794 or through email

Perkins CVI: Collaboration for Change Conference

Perkins School for the Blind has a major initiative to create change in the awareness of CVI, the assessment of CVI, the educational programming for CVI, advocacy around CVI and the ever important, collaboration around CVI for parents, vision professionals, medical providers and people with CVI. Check out the robust lineup of speakers and topics at this conference being held on June 26-28, 2022 at the Revere Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts.

You will learn about the latest research around CVI. You will hear about a new assessment tool that educates teachers, walking them through assessment. You will hear about important considerations for educational programming. Importantly, you will hear from individuals with CVI and parent of students with CVI who drive all efforts the work around CVI.

Hope to see you there!